Friday 24 June 2016

Zhangye to Jiayuguan ( great wall),China. June 2016

Dag 37 Zhangye til Jiayuguan, 247 km

Her til morgen gik Michael i køkkenet for at lave omeletter til os alle sammen, vi har savnet vores vanlige morgenmad, så det var godt. Han fik også lært damen i køkkenet at lave en omelet.
Janet and Louis getting ready for todays drive -Janet og Louis vasker bil

I dag foregik næsten hele turen på motorvej. Så Michael var glad. 
                                        Driving through the desert - Vi kørte igennem ørkenen
Igennem et fladt næsten ørken lignende landskab, meget tørt. Vi var hurtigt fremme ved vores mål, som var den vestligste del af Den Kinesiske Mur. 
The Great Wall - Den kinesiske mur


Først så vi en del af den, hvor der var genopbygget en bydel, ikke ret meget af den originale mur tilbage her. Efter frokost kørte vi så til et andet sted, hvor man kunne gå på muren. Vi gik en lille tur, og nød en is og noget vandmelon inden vi fandt vores hotel.

Vores hotel lå i udkanten af byen, en helt nybygget by med flotte alleer og smukke blomster i vejkanten. Vi gik ind mod byen og fandt en restaurant.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

21st June. Distance 247 m, driving time 2½ hours

We got up early, as I had promised everybody to make breakfast.
The Chinese do not know what an omelette is, and there is no word for it in Chinese. Our guide, Sophie, and the rest of the fellow travellers, did not believe that I could cook. The next easiest thing in life is making an omelette, and I even taught their cook, who was standing and smiling next to me, how to make an omelette.
Making Omelette - Michael i køkkenet 

Saying goodbye to the ladies - Farvel til personalet

After a healthy, tasty breakfast, the staff demanded another photo shoot. They all wanted to be in the pictures, so we had to move our cars and spend the next half an hour on the photo shoot. Finally, the waitresses wanted selfies with me; I must be getting fairer day by day.
Left our hotel, with a lot of waving, byes and tears running down the waitresses cheeks.
What a drive today. We drove on the Chinese high speed highways. Since there are cameras on these highways, the Chinese stick to the speed limit of 120 km/hour. Blackie cannot get a speed ticket, so of she went, cruising at 140-150 km/hour.
                                              Amazing roads - Fantastiske veje

We reached the Great Wall of China at about 11.30 am, averaging at about 100 km/hour.
The first stop was, what I call, a duplicate Great Wall. Which I thought was a waste of time. We then drove to the original rebuild Great Wall, which was just about 10 km away, and we got lost 2 times on the way.
The Great Wall of China - Den Kinesiske Mur

We finally got to walk on the great wall, which was amazing, but a very hot, hot experience. The temp has now reached 32 to 35 degrees, and we all went for a snack of watermelon and ice cream. Fascinating sight the Great Wall. I personally believe it was build to keep the Chinese in. Such a shame, the wall has crumpled, and the Chinese have spread to all over the world.


We then drove to the town of Jiayuguan.  This town is brand new. When we say brand new, we mean, every house, road, pavement, everything is new. It amazed us to see everything lined up with trees, flowers, roads and buildings. We had dinner at a fish restaurant, where everything smelled fishy.

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