Thursday 23 June 2016

Xiahe to Xining, China June 2016

Dag 35. Xiahe til Xining. 253 km

I dag kørte vi fra Xiahe kl 8, da vi skulle nå frem til BMW i Xining i ordentlig tid. Det var nok den smukkeste tur vi har kørt indtil nu. Igen et helt fantastisk bjerglandskab, først frodigt og senere brunt i brunt. Indimellem var der smukke gule raps marker. Kan slet ikke beskrives.

                                             Very pretty landscapes - Sådan en smuk natur

Jeg havde ikke forudset at Kina var sådan et smukt land. Vi nyder hver dag vores køretur.
Fremme i Xining kørte vi direkte til BMW og fandt hurtigt ud af, at det ikke var Louis bremseklodser det var galt med, men føleren til bremseklodsen som var sprunget.
Efter at det var klaret, tilbød BMW at vaske begge biler, så imens det foregik, fandt vi et sted hvor vi kunne spise frokost.
Da vi kom til hotellet, fandt guiden ud af, at det sted hun havde booket, ikke accepterer udenlandske turister, så hun måtte hurtigt finde et andet sted.
(Her i Kina skal hotellerne have tilladelse til at have udenlandske turister boende)

Vi fandt det nye hotel, hvilede en halv time og gik så en tur i byen. Janet og Louis købte en ny mobil telefon (ved ikke om de kommer til at bruge den, for alle apps er på kinesisk). Michael besluttede, at han ikke ville spise med pinde, så vi fandt en italiensk restaurant.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

19th June, distance 253 km, driving time 4 hours.

We left Xiahe early, as we had to reach BMW in Xining, as early as possible.
In China, the scenery changes from beautiful, to more beautiful, excellent to fabulous to fascinating.
We stopped a few times on the way, to admire the scenery and to test if the BMW could brake. We reached Xining at 12.30 pm and drove straight to BMW.
                                                    Amazing scenery  - Fantastisk udsigt
                                          Building new roads - Der bygges nye veje

                                              Good roads - Gode veje
                                               Roads like in India - Veje som i Indien

Within a few minutes, BMW found out, that it was Louis brake sensor which was broken and had to be fixed. We left both the cars there, and went out for lunch at a neighbouring restaurant. I also instructed BMW to wash my car, which they did.
Left for our hotel a few hours later, and found out, that our guide Sophie had booked the wrong hotel, in centre of town. This is because foreigners are only supposed to stay a special designated hotels and not at any hotel. This was after struggling with traffic for about 45 min. Anyway, of to another hotel, where we checked in.

I was sick and tired of Chinese food, so I vetoed everyone, and we went for Italian.  Not easy to eat Italian food with Chop Sticks, and we finally enjoyed a meal, with  knife and fork.  

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