Sunday 12 June 2016

Lashio to Muse(Myanmar)/Ruili(China) June 2016

Dag 23 Lashio til Muse/Ruili ( Kina) 172 km

I dag tog vi af sted fra hotellet kl 6, vi ville gerne nå den kinesiske grænse i god tid. Det tog os 4½ time at nå Muse, som er grænsen til Kina.
                                                 Car wash - Så blev bilen vasket
 Så skulle vi lige have vores biler vasket ( for det havde vi hørt man skulle), så inden vi var igennem immigrationen, tolden m.m. var kl 13.30 i Kina. 
Vi mødte vores guide Sophie (man skal have en guide i Kina, når man kører igennem landet) og så begyndte papir arbejdet på den kinesiske side. Først fik i stemplet pas, så skulle der tages billede af bilen, derefter på politistationen, hvor de skulle tjekke at motor nummeret passede med papirerne. Så skulle vi til en anden politistation, (der kørte vi hen med taxi), hvor vi skulle have et stykke papir, for at få kørekort. Tilbage til første politistation, hvor vi fik vores kinesiske kørekort og nummerplade til bilen. Efterfølgende skulle vi så også lige igennem tolden, men det gik let, 5 min.
Endelig kunne vi finde vores hotel og få frokost kl 18. Vi blev vildt glade og overraskede da vi så vores værelse, en suite, lækkert, en skam vi skal videre i morgen tidlig.
                                                       China here we come - Kina

Hold op en forskel der er på Myanmar og Kina, man kommer fra et land, som ikke er nået til det 20. århundrede endnu, til et land som har brede motor veje og skyskrabere. Man går lige over grænsen og så er man vupti i en helt anden verden.

Click on the pictures to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

7th June, distance 172 km, driving time 4½ hours

Woke up early and left Lashio at 6 am, for the Chinese border town called Muse. China is 2½ ahead of India, and we thought that it would take us 3 hours driving time, so we planned to reach the border by 12 pm.
Driving through the mountains again, was a tedious and tiring journey. We did make it in 4 hours, with a short stop for breakfast.
Bad roads - Dårlige veje
                                                Truck after truck - Lastbil efter lastbil

On the way we had to overtake a zillion lorries all heading for China, and back.
In Muse, we got both the cars washed, just before the border. ( A requirements as the cars, had to go for inspection, by the Chinese authorities)
After a bureaucratic 1 hour, at the Myanmar immigration, we finally got our passports stamped, and almost had to drive our cars through their immigration office. Good byes were said, to our guide Soe and the government official Kai.
                                           Good bye Myanmar - Farvel Myanmar
                                                 Hello China - Goddag Kina

We spotted Sophie, on the Chinese side, and walked across the border to China. We then went back and drove our cars through. After finishing immigration, which took about half an hour, a new picture of the car had to be taken by the Chinese officials. Sophie our guide was pretty efficient and our first glimpse of China, showed us what an amazing difference, there is between Myanmar and China. In a span of 50 m our world had changed. Massive roads, new cars and of course Chinese spoken and shouted everywhere.
We then drove with our guide Sophie, to the Central Police Station. Here our chassis and motor number etc was checked together, with our documents, and then the whole bundle of papers, were handed over to the Chinese police.
We left our cars here, caught a taxi, and went to the local driving license office. (RTO).
Within a span of an hour, we got our new Chinese driving licenses. Back again to the Central Police Station, handed over all the relevant documents again, and was finally given our number plates and driving licenses.

They were pretty cheerful and even wanted pictures taken with us and the cars.
We jumped into our cars, drove over to the customs office, which was in another part of town. We just made it at 5 pm, got all our papers stamped, and finally we were free to enter China.
Drove straight to our hotel and checked in at 6 pm. Super room with place to have a cricket match.
Since we had not eaten the whole day, we celebrated with lunch at 6 pm.
                                                           Our Suite - Vores Suite

China here we come.  

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