Thursday 2 June 2016

Kohima to Imphal June 2016

Dag 17 Kohima til Imphal 137 km 5 timer

I dag kørte vi fra Kohima kl 9. Det var en rigtig flot tur igennem et smukt bjerglandskab. Desværre var det ikke gode veje, rigtig mange kratere i vejen, så det tog lang tid at køre de 137 km. Ca. 30 km fra Kohima krydsede vi grænsen til Manipur ( en anden delstat) hvor Michael og jeg måtte stoppe og få en tilladelse til at køre igennem, da vi er udlændinge. På bjergvejene her i området har de sat de mest fantastiske skilte op, såsom ”Hug your kids at home, but belt them in car” ( Giv jeres børn en knus derhjemme, men giv dem med bæltet i bilen). På turen så vi rigtig mange soldater, hele området her i nordøst Indien har meget militær tilstedeværelse. Da vi var ca. 10 km fra Imphal var vejen blokeret og der var gang i en demonstration. Heldigvis lod de os køre igennem, da vi havde kørt endnu et par km, var der endnu en blokade, hvor jeg som passager måtte ud af bilen og gå et lille stykke af vejen. Nu håber vi bare at vi kan køre til grænsen på fredag som planlagt. Vi var rigtig glade da vi nåede vores hotel.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se fotoalbum

1st June. Distance 137 km, driving time 5 hours.

We left Kohima today at 9 am. Drove through some of the most beautiful and scenic landscapes I have ever driven through. Remember, this is the only main road connecting India to Burma. We felt the presence of our BSF all along.
                                                        BSF - Grænsekontrol
We were stopped at the border, entering Manipur, as foreigners have to register. BSF, soon found out, that we had OCI cards, and we were sent on our way.
The state of Manipur wants to register any non resident, entering the state.

It seem like the 2nd World War was fought yesterday, as the road was littered with craters and land slides. The road surface was so bad, that it took us the first 3 hours to drive 80 km. Beautiful road signs kept us laughing along the way. We then descended to the plains where the road surface, again, was very rugged and bumpy.
                                       The state of the road / Sådan var vejene næste hele dagen

About 10 km before Imphal, we were stopped by demonstrators, fighting for a state line registration. We sweet talked our way through this one, and a few km’s later on we were stopped again by demonstrators. Their tone now was very rude. They demanded that we get out of our cars and carry our luggage. (Luckily I had Susan).
It ended with, that the passengers in both the vehicles, had to get out and walk, while we drove slowly through the demonstrators. (Scary)

It was a relief, to reach our hotel, where we locked our selves in. We decided to go for a walk in the evening ( love to flirt with danger) and found out that all the shops, and restaurants, where with their shutters down and closed. We kind of jogged back to our hotel. 

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