Friday 10 June 2016

Mandalay to Lashio, Myanmar June 2016

Dag 22. Mandalay to Lashio, 260 km

Vi kørte fra Mandalay kl 9, undervejs stoppede vi for at se en kaffeplantage, vi fandt en plantage og kørte bare ind, det viste sig at være en statsejet plantage. Så det endte med at Michael forsøgte at lære dem noget, og ikke den anden vej rundt. Efterfølgende fandt vi en super moderne cafe, med super moderne priser, vores kaffe og kage der kostede ligeså meget eller mere, end hvad vi har betalt for frokost, (og kaffen var ikke engang særlig god).

Igen i dag var vi på rigtig bjerg kørsel, hårnåle sving med megen trafik, især lastbiler som kører til den kinesiske grænse. Myanmar har rigtig megen smuk natur, et virkeligt flot land at køre igennem. Vi stoppede til frokost på et lidt snusket sted, men maden var fantastisk.

Vi nåede endelig Lashio kl 18, tjekkede ind på vores hotel, og besluttede at vi i morgen tidlig hellere må køre kl 6, så vi kan nå den kinesiske grænse i ordentlig tid.

Click on the photo to see our album
Ckick på billedet for at se vores album

6th June, Distance 260 km, drivng time 9 hours.

Left Mandalay at 9 am.
En route, we stopped at a coffee estate, which was state owned. This estate was 350 Acres, with Arabica and the average crop was 250 kg/acres. I gave them a piece of my mind, about why and how an estate should be run. They were very thankful for the input. So I learned nothing.
Just close by, we stopped at a lovely looking Barista café. The coffee here was “crap” and their prices were in Danish kroner. Had lunch, at one of the highway restaurants, and even though it looked a bit rundown the food was fantastic.

Todays drive was very exiting. Unbelievably steep roads, through the mountains, with a zillion hairpin bends, and a zillion trucks going, to and fro, from China. These trucks, on the way down just cannot brake, at these hairpin bends. So all I had to do, was gun the car, and get out of the way. We zig zagged our way up and down, and there was not a second, where I was not turning the steering wheel either right or left. Blackie is a beast.

                                                      Crazy roads - Zig-zag veje

We finally reached Lashio in the evening, and right next our hotel was a beautiful Pagoda, which we just had to see in the moonlight. Early to bed tonight, as we have to get up very early, to leave for the Chinese border tomorrow morning. 

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