Thursday 30 June 2016

Turpan to Korla, China. June 2016

Dag 41. Turpan til Korla, 394 km

I dag kørte vi fra Turpan til Korla. Meget af vejen, gik turen ad motorvej igennem ørken bjerge, igen en rigtig flot tur. Ufatteligt vejnet de har, her i Kina – vi kunne mange steder slet ikke se, den modkørende del af motorvejen.
Windmills - I dag igen vindmøller

Beautiful landscapes - Flot landskab

I dag har vi kørt 10000 km, siden afgang fra Bangalore d. 15.5.
Vi fandt vores hotel i Korla, lækkert sted lige ned til en flod (Påfugle floden). Vi gik en tur langs floden, dejlig tur under skyggefulde træer. Her bruges virkelig penge på at forskønne ting ( på nær alle elmasterne som ses overalt).

Michael at the hotel - Michael på hotellet

Peacock river - Påfugle floden

Vi valgte at spise buffet på hotellet til 95 kr per person. Lækker mad med rejer og røget gås.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

25th June, distance 394 km, driving time 6 hours

We had a fantastic drive from Turpan to Korla.
As we were driving through the desert, we were suddenly told by Sophie, that we were going to hit a mountain range. So no more petrol bunks or rest stations. I did fill up my tank, and the drive amazed me even more. These Chinese, have build a 4 lane highway, right through the mountains. With fantastic roads, 4 lanes up, and down, the passes, and all this bang in the middle of a desert. Fantastic views, and it was a pity driving down the mountains, back to the flat land of the desert, till we hit Korla.
Sweeping the highway - Så fejes motorvejen lige.

Beautiful scenery and Highways - Flot udsigt og motorveje

Another milestone reached today, where we crossed 10000 km of our journey, since leaving Bangalore. This called for a small celebration, in the car, so we quietly sipped our chilled bottled water, while Sophie slept.
The Peacock river - Påfugle floden

The Buffet 

Reached Korla, and our hotel at about 5 pm. We were on the 24th floor, with an amazing view of the river running through the town. Went for a walk by the river, which was a very peaceful experience, and had a fantastic meal at our hotel, which had everything from Sushi, foie gras, smoked goose, live barbeque counter etc. Stuffed ourselves for less than 1000 Inr. ( beer included).

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