Wednesday 1 June 2016

Guwahati May 2016

Dag 13 og 14. Guwahati
Lørdag var vi på sightseeing i Guwahati. Vi var ude på Påfugle øen som ligger midt i Brahmaputra floden ( Guwahati ligger ved denne flod) . På øen så vi Umananda Templet. Det var noget af en sejltur, det tager ca, 15 min at komme derud, og jeg tror at vi alle sad og frygtede for, at den lille båd skulle kæntre. Brahmaputra er en stor flod med rigtig megen strøm og strømhvirvler. Vi klarede heldigvis turen frem og tilbage. Senere besøgte vi endnu et tempel, Kamakhya. Vi spiste frokost i en Nagaland restaurant, dejlig mad. Om aftenen fejrede vi Louis’s fødselsdag, med en dejlig middag.

Søndag har vi brugt på at opdatere blog, FB og ellers slappe af og nyde det dejlige hotel vi bor på. Michael var ude og få bilen vasket og jeg nød at bade i poolen. 

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28/5 and 29/5 Guwahati town Radisson Hotel

We spend Saturday sightseeing in Guwahati.
The town Guwahati lies by the mighty Brahmaputra, and since monsoon has just started, this river was in all its glory. We hired a cab and of we went, our first stop was to visit the Umananda Mandir ( on Peacock Island). This temple sits on a small forested river island accessed by a 15 min ride on a ferry. We were all not to happy crossing the mighty Brahmaputra, as the river was in spate.
                                          Heavy current in the river - kraftig strøm

 At times our little ferry could not even sail through the current. As we sailed along, we saw quite a few whirlpools and debris sailing down the river. Since there were only 2 life jackets on this boat, I kept one eye on the lifejackets and one on my camera. After a treacherous and adrenaline filled boat ride, we finally reached the Peacock Island, which was also flooded. We crawled up the steps to visit the temple, and as saying goes, any tourist who visits Guwahati should visit this temple as it brings good luck.
                                         The mighty Brahmaputra - Så stor er Brahmaputra
We then visited the Kamakhya temple, which is an important temple for Shakti. (sensual tantric worship of female spiritual power). A lot of blood is spilled in this temple.

We then had lunch at a speciality Naga restaurant which was pretty decent.
The rest of the afternoon was spend on window shopping.
Today being Sunday, day for rest and obligation, we took it pretty easy. After a massive breakfast ( masala dosa, vada and bacon and sausages, the best combo)
I got Blackie washed and vacuum cleaned. I had very interesting conversations with all the car owners that had come to the washing hall, regarding our trip. They bombarded me with questions, and a few of them even wanted to join me as there was place in the back seat.
                                          Louis, Janet, Susanne and Michael

We celebrated Louis 62nd birthday with a fabulous dinner. We will be sad to leave this hotel tomorrow.

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