Sunday 31 July 2016

Yekaterinburg to Ufa, July 2016

Dag 62. Yekaterinburg til Ufa. 506 km

I dag krydsede vi Ural bjergene, turen gik fra Yekaterinburg til Ufa en lang tur på 506 km. Vi kørte fra hotellet kl 8.15 og var først fremme i Ufa kl 17.30.
Vi kørte igennem flotte gran skove, birkelunde, og så, hvad der kaldes de blå bjerge, (skær af blåt fra granerne.) Vi kørte vel ca 100 km på grusvej, det var en hel fin vej, og vi behøvede ikke bekymre os, om hverken politi eller modkørende trafik.
Pine trees - Gran træer

Blue houses - Blå huse

Michael og Louis er nået til et punkt, hvor de er paranoide ang. politiet. I dag præsterede Louis, at blive stoppet af politiet fordi han kørte for langsomt – så har vi også prøvet det. 
Meget af turen var ret øde, så vi havde svært ved at finde et sted at spise frokost. Vi fandt endelig et sted, hvor vi fik 3 x goulash, 1 x suppe og 2 kopper kaffe for 50 kr, sig endelig ikke, at Rusland er dyrt.
Igen i dag, så vi mange blå vinduer og tage, man må I Rusland elske blåt.
Horses on the road - Heste på vejen

Dinner - Middag

Fremme i Ufa, var vi simpelthen nødt til at finde et sted at få vasket biler. Vi fandt en vaskekælder og på etagen ovenover, fandt vi en dejlig Sherlock Holmes Pub hvor vi spiste til aften.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

16th July. Yekaterinburg to Ufa. Distance 506 km, driving time 9 hours.

Left for Ufa, at 8.30 am.
Our drive today, was through the Ural Mountains. Beautiful winding roads, and Pine trees as far as the eye can see.
Susanne, had read somewhere, that you can see a blue haze about these mountains, this turned out to be true, after I put on my sun glasses.
This winding road soon got a bit boring, and suddenly out of nowhere, the tar road ended, and we were on a well surfaced mud road.
The blue haze - Det blå skær

The Mud roads - Grus vejene

We now drove, through farming fields, and small villages and opened up for “Blackie”. It was nice to know, that no police were around and we could zip through these muddy roads as fast as we could.
Had some problems, trying to find a restaurant, in these remote mountains. Finally found one in the middle of nowhere, and had soup and goulash. This meal fed all 4 of us for the sum of 500 Rs.
Blue and green houses - Blå og grønne huse

Checked into our nice hotel, at 5.30 pm.
We decided to get our cars cleaned, as we almost could not see the original colour. We got lost a few times, when thankfully, a helpful Russian, offered to show us the way and drove ahead. He led us down into a basement, of a parking lot, and there were these washing halls. Got the cars washed and had dinner in a lovely steakhouse, ‘Sherlock Holmes’ in the shopping mall upstairs.
One of us did get stopped by the police today, but not for driving fast.
You can also get stopped in Russia, if you drive to slow on the roads.

Poor, Louis. 

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