Sunday 24 July 2016

Astana day 2

Dag 57. Astana

I dag skal Ulrikka så rejse hjem igen, snøft, snøft. Ulrikka og jeg begyndte dagen med en tur i det lokale shopping center, Mega Mall. Michael fik vasket bil, ja, ja vores bil bliver vasket mange gange, men I har ikke set hvor beskidt den bliver.
Vi mødtes så alle til frokost på hotellet, og sagde farvel til Ulrikka.
The clinic - Klinikken

Michael og jeg var efterfølgende ved læge med min arm, har en kæmpe bule på den. Desværre kunne hotellet ikke finde en tid hos en engelsk talende læge, så det blev en lidt sjov oplevelse. Lægen konkluderede, at det var allergi ovre for et insekt stik, så fik allergi piller og noget creme, spild af tid og penge.
Outside the Circus - Udenfor Circusset

Michael og jeg fik opdateret blog, og var igen i shopping centret, hvor vi fik dejlig pizza til aftensmad.

11th July, Astana

Ulrikka, is leaving for Denmark today.
She and Susanne decided to go to the shopping mall, and do what ladies do.
I on the other hand, took ‘Blackie’ out to get her thoroughly washed. The washing centre, was pretty close by the hotel, and ‘Blackie’ did come back, looking all sparkling and new.
Had lunch with Ulrikka and Susanne, at the hotel, and it was sad, to say bye as we enjoyed her company.
After Ulrikka left, we asked the hotel to book an appointment for Susanne, at a local clinic.
Susanne had a small, small, hive on her left arm. For her piece of mind, she wanted to get it checked, and of we went by taxi. The doctor, took one look at Susanne, and told her it was an allergy, and gave her a prescription, of allergy tablets and crème. What a waste of time and money. But at least Susanne was happy, she got it checked.
The Circus - Circusset

Dinner - Middag

The lights at night - Lysene om aftenen

Had dinner at the local shopping mall, where we had pizza at a fabulous Italian restaurant. Immediately after pizza, Susanne, felt much better. Must be the Oregano, or Pepperoni toppings. 

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