Thursday 14 July 2016

Bishkek day 3

Dag 50 Bishkek

I dag var vi igen på Toyota værkstedet. Michael synes at bilen trak til højre, så vi besluttede, at vi hellere måtte få set på, om der var noget galt. De blev ved med at sige, at bilen var færdig om 15 min, så vi ventede der i 3 timer, inden de besluttede at beholde den hele dage. Lidt godt kom der dog ud af det, vi faldt i snak med en lokal Kirgiser som snakkede godt engelsk, så vi kunne høre lidt om landet og ham. Hyggeligt.
Efterfølgende tog vi en taxi til Osh Baser, en stor basar i Bishkek, spændende sted som solgte alt muligt, fødevarer (især hestekød), ost, nødder, tøj, sko osv, osv.

Osh Bazaar - Osh Basar

Alting er billigt her, der er åbenbart ingen told og skat på importerede varer. Vi købte brød og ost, så vi har lidt til turen i morgen. Vi spiste vores frokost på en restaurant tæt på hotellet. Hentede bilen kl 17, hvor vi igen ventede, de havde fundet ud af, at det var noget slitage, men ikke værre, end at vi kan køre med det.
Vi tog en taxi til centrum og gik ind i en stor elektronik butik, for at se hvad der var at spare på mobiltelefoner (ca 1000 kr på de dyre modeller).
Derefter fortsatte vi til den indiske restaurant, så Ulrikka også kunne få lidt indisk mad.

4th July. Bishkek

Our day started of with a drive to Toyota Service centre.
Yesterday when driving through the mountains, I felt the car pulling to the right, and I wanted this fixed.

At Toyota, we were again welcomed by Sabina and her Russian counter part. ( blonde chick). Igor, immediately took our car in, to get it thoroughly checked. We were asked to wait, and every 20 min, they told us it should be ready soon. After a patient wait of at least 2,5 hours, where I was entertained by the Toyota babes, and Susanne and Ulrikka, chatted away with some Kyrgys locals. We decided to leave the car there, and come back in the evening to pick it up.
We caught a taxi to Osh Bazaar ( Bishkeks central bazaar) which is a combination of Russel Market and Commercial street, but 50 times bigger. Here we bought fresh bread, beef salami, cheese and fruits.
Horse meat - tripe . Hestekød-indmad

Apricots and nuts - Abrikoser og nødder

Osh bazaar - Osh basar

Local beauties - Lokale skønheder

At 5.30 pm, back to Toyota, to pick up “Blackie”.
We again waited for about an hour, as Toyota, had changed the suspension bushes, and rotated the tires. So a bit of alignment had to be done. Whatever, the Toyota babes, were very happy to see me again. We finally got Blackie back at 5.30 pm, and she drove perfectly.
They did not charge me a dime, for a whole days work, thank you Toyota.
In the evening we caught a cab into town, and first visited the Bishkek ‘Teknodrome’. Bishkek, has the cheapest mobile phones, cars and anything else in the world. Cheaper, than Dubai.
We all looked at new mobile phones.

We then went to the Indian restaurant, for a fantastic meal. This time they charged us for finger bowls and onion slices. I had to complain about this, and we meet a few other Indians there, who sadly shouted at our waitress for, what she had charged us.  The food tasted fantastic, even though we had to pay for fingerbowls. 

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