Monday 11 July 2016

Issyk Kul ( Raduga Resort) june 2016

Dag 46. Issyk Kul ( Raduga Resort)

Dagen i dag blev brugt på at slappe af, og opdatere blog. Vi kørte en lille tur til Cholpan Ata, hvor vi fik fyldt diesel og vasket bil.  Vi købte også en flaske lokal rødvin. Den var desværre ikke ret god, så vi lod den stå på bordet efter middagen.
Issyk Kul

The Roses - roserne

Car wash

Vi gik tur i den skønne park og nød roserne og vandet. Vi mødte nogle Kasakhstanere som lige var ankommet fra Almaty, de havde et sommerhus ved søen.

Jeg har observeret flg om Kirgisistan.
De har mange muslimske gravsteder med store mausoleer.
Moskeerne har Tin/Blik tag.
The Mosque - Moskeen med blik tag

Mange folk tager den på stop her, de står bare ude ved vejen og rækker hånden ud.
The Cherries - Kirsebær til salg

Der sælges kirsebær og røget makrel langs vejkanten især i Issyk Kul området. 

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

30th June. Issyk Kul (Raduga Resort)

Raduga Resort was a pit stop for today.
This resort, which is situated by Issyk Kul lake has paths full of roses. Since, all the roses were in full bloom, this reminded me of our house in Thurø.
The system here is very simple, you get 3 meals, with your boarding. So we enjoyed the lake, roses, and beautiful views and even meet a few guys from Kazakhstan.

Issyk Kul

The Kazak guys - Kasakhstanerne

We drove to the local village of Cholpan Ata, where we tanked up our cars, (for Rs 30  a litre diesel). Got the cars thoroughly washed, and bought cherries, which were sold by the road side. This place reminds me so much of Denmark, same kind of greenery, fruits and almost similar food.
Back to the resort where we lazed around.

NB: In USSR times, health spa’s were dotted along the lake shore, and this region were of limits to foreigners, there were also vast areas with plantations of opium, poppies and cannabis around the lake, and they used to test torpedoes here. This lake also has its own version of Lock Ness, and is home to many of the moneyed Kazak tourist, who comes here in the summer for the mild climate and in winter for skiing.

We on the other hand were just tourists.  

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