Thursday 14 July 2016

Issyk Kul to Bishkek ( Kyrgyzstan) July 2016

Dag 47. Issyk Kul til Bishkek, 250 km

Vi kørte fra Issyk Kul og Raduga hotellet kl ca 9.45, de første 30 km var på meget dårlig vej, men efterfølgende var det fint. Vi stoppede og spiste frokost på en lille udendørs restaurant, som lå ved en lille sø. (Toilettet var så stinkende at jeg valgte at sidde bagvej bygningen i stedet for.)
Cherries and smoked fish for sale - kirsebær og røget fisk til salg

Farmers on the road - Landmænd på hovedvejen

Lunch - Frokost

I dag blev vi kun stoppet af politiet en gang. Eftersom Michael ikke kørte for stærkt, mente de, at han havde drukket Whisky. ( Men det havde han ikke.)
Vi var fremme ved vores hotel kl 15.00, fint sted, men vi havde ikke lige overvejet, at det er 3,5 km fra centrum.
Michael og jeg tømte bilen, eftersom den skal til service i morgen, vi har nu kørt 12000 km siden vi forlod Bangalore.

Vi tog en taxi til centrum, og gik lidt rundt inden vi fandt en indisk restaurant med dejlig mad.

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Click på billedet for at se album

1st July, distance 250 km, driving time 7 hours

Drove from Issyk Kul to Bishkek.
For the first part of our drive, from Issyk Kul to Bishkek, we went through some very bad roads. I felt really bad because we had washed our cars, as it all got muddy and dirty again. On the other hand I love driving on muddy roads.
Good bye Issyk Kul - Farvel Issyk Kul

Corn for sale - Majs til salg

Got stopped, by the police, (bastards) just once today. They pulled me over, and since I was not speeding, proclaimed profusely, that I had been drinking whiskey.
Little did they know, that they had stopped the biggest ‘whiskey drinker’ from South India. ( I just had a few beers the night before). He even checked my pulse, ( idiot) as if my heart beat, would have gone up, by a police man touching me.
Had lunch at a very peaceful place, next to the highway, next to a beautiful lake, but with a shitty toilet.
Special decor in the hotel - Den grimme lampe på hotellet

We reached the town of Bishkek, at around 3 in the afternoon, and checked into the Garden Hotel. ( not much garden around this, but great décor inside).

Took a cab into town, and after a long, long walk, had dinner at an Indian restaurant. The food tasted fantastic, and we all enjoyed our meal, inclusive of Susanne who ordered Biryani. 

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