Sunday 31 July 2016

Ufa to Kazan, July 2016

Dag 63. Ufa til Kazan. 535 km

Vi kørte fra Ufa efter en dejlig morgenmad – stort udvalg i buffeten. Første stop var politiet, de havde tjek ved hovedvejen, men det var bare et tjek, så vi fik lov at køre videre. Vi kørte forbi nogen rigtigt flotte solsikke marker, hvor vi stoppede og tog nogle billeder.
Sunflower field - Solsikke mark

Crazy decoration in the cafe - Dekoration i cafeen

 Derefter mistede Google stedsansen, så vi kom ad nogle små veje. Der så vi mange olie boringer, og igen grønne og blå tage. Tilbage på hovedvejen, hvor der var megen trafik, og meget vejarbejde gik det stille og roligt fremad. Vi havde selvfølgelig også regnvejr på vejen, det sker hver gang vi har vasket biler.
Clouds - Skyer i regnvejret 

Vi var fremme i Kazan kl 17.30, som viste sig at være 15.30, eftersom vi var nået til Moskva tid. Vi tog en taxi til Kazan’s Kreml, det er et helt fantastisk sted, med både museer, en meget smuk kirke og en flot Moske. 
Kazan Kremlin - Kazan Kreml 

På vej ud, faldt jeg over en kantsten og forstuvede min fod, fjols. Michael og jeg blev hentet af ambulance, og kørt til sygehuset. Jeg blev røntgen fotograferet og heldigvis var foden ikke brækket – så nu er vi hjemme igen og jeg ligger med is på foden. Meget fin service på klinikken, vi kom først til, og vi skulle ikke betale for behandlingen, dejligt for os. Michael var dog ked af, at ambulancen ikke kørte med udrykning.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

17th July. Ufa to Kazan. Distance 535 km, driving time 9 hours.

Left the hotel at 8.30 am.
Our first stop, was done by the police, as we were leaving town.
Ha, ha ‘Bastards’, nothing wrong with us, not speeding, so of we went again.
We passed a lot of amazing Sunflowers fields, and stopped for a photo shoot.

Sunflower field - Solsikke mark

Soon afterwards, our Google map, decided to take us through a shortcut, which took us through some small, winding mud roads. The surface was again very good, like yesterday.
Oil fields - Olie boring

We passed through fields, filled with Oil pumps. These guys were pumping oil out, all over the place. I first thought there were all water pipes. Soon found out, that all the pipes that were laid along the road, where Oil pipes which led to a massive Oil depot.
More oil - Mere olie

We reached Kazan at 5.30 pm.
Turned our watches back 2 hours, as we are now in Moscow time.
Checked into our hotel, and left at 4 pm to see Kazan’s Kremlin. This town has an amazing Kremlin, with a beautiful Church, Mosque and other government buildings all packed within a fortified wall.
After visiting the Church and Mosque, which were next to one another, we walked to a view point, to see the view of the 2 rivers and other churches around.
The Mosque - Moskeen

The Church - Kirken

The View - Udsigten

Here Susanne fell, and sprained her leg, dramatic, dramatic.
A friendly Russian couple, called for an ambulance and we were rushed to a local clinic. Here Susanne’s leg, was x-rayed, and we soon found out, that her leg was only sprained, and not broken. Back into the wheel chair, and these enormous Russian nurses all kept smiling at me, and eying my body. But nobody, helped to push the wheel chair. One of them, with a great big bosom, followed me all the way out, and told us, that there was no payment, and even called for a taxi. All this while, I huffed and puffed, and pushed Susanne out, on the wheel chair. She even made sure, that the taxi driver took us back to the hotel, and gave me a flying kiss, and off we went.
Back at the hotel, buckets of ice, Louis cooling elements, for his medicine, was used to cool Susanne’s leg and my head.
Relieved, that her leg is only ‘sprained’.

I most be seeing double, as Susanne’s leg, seems to be, twice the size. 

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