Thursday 14 July 2016

Bishkek, Ala-Archa Canyon, Burana Tower July 2016 (Day 2)

Dag 49. Omkring Bishkek – Ala-Archa kløften og Burana tårnet

I dag synes vi, at Ulrikka også skulle se lidt af den smukke del af Kirgisistan, så vi kørte ud af Bishkek, til Ala-Archa kløften som ligger ca 30 km syd for byen, smuk tur og meget smuk kløft. Vi besluttede, at vi kunne klare en gåtur på 3.75 km til et vandfald, halvvejs gav vi op og tog billeder, vi havde glemt at tage vand med.
Ala-Archa Canyon - Ala -Archa kløften

 Derfra kørte vi til Burana tårnet, et gammelt tårn som var en Minaret til en Moske og fort. Vi kørte ad nogle små smukke veje dertil. På et tidspunkt synes Google Maps, at vi skulle ud på en ikke så god markvej, der måtte vi vende om. Google Maps drillede os flere gange, men pyt, det var en oplevelse.
The Burana Tower - Burana Tårnet

Vi så Minareten og ville så finde en restaurant til frokost, det viste sig at være svært. Vi kørte ind til nærmeste by Tokmok, hvor vi udenfor et supermarked fandt en bod som solgte Kirgisiske boller med hakket kød inden i.
The restaurant - Restauranten

Tilbage på hotellet hvilede vi lidt, inden vi tog ind til byen og fandt en rigtig hyggelig restaurant med både dejlig lokal mad, og rigtig flinkt personale.

P.s. I er velkomen til at efterlade en besked hvis i følger os her på bloggen

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

3rd July. Around Bishkek – Ala-Archa Canyon and Burana Tower

We are now employed as guides by Ulrikka.
So we decided to drive around Bishkek, to the Ala-Archa canyon, and later on to the Burana tower.
The drive to the Ala-Archa canyon was very scenic, and Ulrikka was soon impressed by the beautiful scenery in Kyrgyzstan. This canyon, which is around 30 km from Bishkek, is in the Ala-Archa state nature park. We drove into the nature park, and we soon reached the hiking trails. Since everybody wanted to walk up the mountains, and view the waterfalls, off we went. We soon found out, that this trail was very steep, and since we had neither water, nor any gear for this hike. Janet and Moi sensibly turned back, half way up.
Ala-Archa Canyon - Ala- Archa Kløften

Kyrgys traditional hat - Kirgisistan traditionel hat

Ulrikka, Susanne and Louis in tow, puffed and panted their way up, for the next 15 min, until they too, decided to turn back. They should have listened, to the most sensible, guy in the group.
Back to the cars. Where we drank, at least one litre of water each, and then drove to the Burana Tower.
This drive was amazing, through the beautiful country side and mustard fields. We finally reached the tower at about 2.30 pm. This tower was supposedly built in the 11th century, but what we saw, was a 1950 Soviet restoration.
Some bad roads - Dårlige veje

Burana Tower - Burana Tårnet

Whatever, Susanne and Ulrikka, again, huffed and puffed, and walked up this Minaret. The rest of us, lazily walked over to the museum. Pretty interesting, with pictures, coins and artefacts incl. of crosses, Chinese coins and Christian carvings and Buddhist remains.
Back to our cars, we desperately tried to find a restaurant, for lunch. We drove to the  nearest town and ate meat pies, filled with chicken, at a local fast food joint. There are apparently, very few restaurants in Kyrgyzstan, as people do not go out and eat.
Our charming waiter - Vores charmerende tjener

Drove back to our hotel, and had a fantastic dinner at a local Kyrgyzstan restaurant, which had very friendly waiters, and some of them with national hats. The food was more than excellent.

P.S Please leave us a note, if you read our blog

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