Tuesday 2 August 2016

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2016

Dag 65. Nizhny Novgorod

I dag tog vi en taxi fra hotellet kl 10 til Nizhny Novgorods Kreml, denne by’s Kreml er bygget i ca. 1500 af en italiensk arkitekt, og ligger på et højdedrag imellem 2 floder, Volga og Oka. Så der er en fantastisk udsigt over floderne. Vi styrede straks hen til ”Katedralen for ærkeenglen Michael”, så Michael kunne sige, at han havde været der.
Nizhny Kremlin - Nizhny Kreml

Michael in front of the church - Michael foran kirken

 Der er også en evig flamme til ofrene fra 2. Verdenskrig. Vi gik lidt mere rundt, eller det vil sige, jeg humpede rundt.
Fra Kreml gik vi hen til Rukavishnikov’s villa. En kæmpe villa bygget i det 19. århundrede af en rigmand, huset er nu lavet om til museum. Vi betalte for en tur med engelsk talende guide, men desværre kunne vi næsten ikke forstå hvad hun sagde.
The Mansion - Villaen

Efter frokost, var vi med svævebane over Volga floden, en flot tur, hvor vi så folk som badede i floden og flodpramme som fragtede sand.
In the Cable Car - I svævebanen

I Rusland er kjoler helt klart på mode, så vi ser mange flotte russiske kvinder i kjoler og høje hæle, så Michael er glad.

Om aftenen afprøvede vi hotellets sports bar, hvor andre gæster havde travlt med at spille pool eller bowle.

Click on the photo to see our album
Click på billedet for at se vores album

19th July Nizhny Novgorod

Caught, a taxi, to the Kremlin.
The Kremlin, is in principle, a fort, which has Churches, Mosques and government buildings inside.
We hopped of, at a corner of the Kremlins, enormous 55 feet wall, walked half a km parallel to it, and entered from the main gate.
Nizhny Kremlin - Nizhny Kreml

Our first stop, inside the Kremlin, was the church of ‘Michael the Archangel’. What a beautiful name, given to a beautiful church. People kept waving at me, and I soon found out, that it was, because Susanne kept calling me Michael. Once again a beautiful name, for a spectacular church.
Michael the Archangel Church - Saint Michael'a Kirke

Susanne, hopped on one foot, while I, like a mule, had to carry everything else.
We strolled along the Kremlin, and stopped every 20 feet, to have a photo shoot and for Susanne to rest her leg.
We then walked to the Eternal flame, which burns near a Monument, for the heroes of WWII.
We hoppled outside, to a beautiful mansion, build by Rukavishnikov.
The Mansion - Villaen

This is a 19th century mansion, which belonged to a Merchant family. We arranged for a guided tour and could have been better of without it. Our English speaking guide, spoke a mixture of Finnish, Polish and Jibberish. So, as we wandered through the rooms, it became more and more clear to me, that I should try and loose our Jibberish guide. Not easy.
View from the Cable Car - Udsigt fra Svævebanen

We then caught a taxi to the Cable Car. This connects Novgorod to a settlement across the river. In these Cable Cars; we got a spectacular 15 to 20 min ride each way. The highest point on this ride, was 80 m high, and the length of the ride, is 3.6 km.
Had to buy return tickets, and caught the Cable Car back.
Bought enormous ice-creams, hailed a cab and left back for our hotel.
Had dinner, this evening, at the sports bar in the hotel.

I found out, that there is a new billiards game. It is called Russian Billiards, and is played only with white balls.

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