Wednesday 3 August 2016

Suzdal and Vladimir, Russia, July 2016

Dag 66. Nizhny Novgorod via Suzdal til Vladimir 292 km

I dag kørte vi fra Nizhy Novgorod kl 8.15, vi var fremme i Suzdal kl 12.
Suzdal er en lille hyggelig turist by. I Suzdal’s Kreml er der kirke, som blev bygget i det 10 århundrede – flot lille kirke, med flotte løgformede kupler i blåt med guld stjerner.

Suzdal Church - Suzdal Kirke

 Efter at vi havde set kirken, fandt vi en lille restaurant og fik frokost. Derfra, kørte vi så til Suzdals anden store seværdighed, Saint Euthymius klosteret, en borg, i den nordlige ende af byen, her var der også en kirke og nogle museer. I kirken var der nogle munke som sang en smuk sang, så man virkelig kunne høre akustikken. Alt i alt en rigtig hyggelig lille by med mange seværdigheder.

The singing munks - De syngende mumke

Vi havde booket hotel i Vladimir, ca 25 km fra Suzdal, vi fandt hotellet og tjekkede ind. Det er nok det mindste hotel værelse jeg endnu har set. Der er lige plads til en dobbelt seng og måske 1 m for enden af sengen, godt vi kun skal være her en nat.
I mens vi var på hotellet, blev det et frygteligt regnvejr. Jeg kiggede ud af vinduet og kunne se, at en af sporvognenes el ledninger var faldet af, og sporvognskonduktøren var ude i regnen og reparere det, stakkels ham. Han så meget våd ud, da han var færdig med reparationen.


Imens Janet og Louis var ude og møde en Rotary gruppe, gik Michael og jeg først i Ecco butikken, hvor der var udsalg (jeg købte nye sandaler), og derefter hen for at se ”Assumption Katedralen” , endnu en utrolig flot kirke, med kæmpe guld ornamenter. Vi gik en tur i byen og så endnu 2 kirker, en med flotte sten udskæringer udenpå kirken, og en hvor der var gudstjeneste.

Vi fik anbefalet en rigtig fin restaurant, og fik dejlig mad der.

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Click på billedet for at se vores album

20th July. Nizhny Novgorod via Suzdal to Vladimir. Distance 292 km, driving time 4 hours.

Left early, as we wanted to visit, the small of town of Suzdal, on the way to Vladimir.
Suzdal, is a small medieval town. In 1964, the local Merchants forced the government, that the Trans Siberian railway, should not pass through their town. As a result, Suzdal was not only bypassed by trains but the 20th century all together. It has cute wooden cottages, mingling with golden tops, that reflects in the river. It has also horse carriages, and the only thing that spoils the view, are tourist busses.

The Church - Kirken

We then visited ‘The Nativiti of the Virgin Mary’s Cathedral’ with its blue domes spangled with gold. The inside is sumptuous, with 13th and 17th century frescoes. We walked around and had lunch, in this fascinating little village.
We then drove to ‘the Monestary of Saint Euthyius’, at the outskirts of town.

The Hospital Chambers - Hospitals Museet

This Monastery was built, in the 14th century, like a fort, to protect the towns northern entry.
It was beautiful inside this Monastery / Kremlin. We also visited the Hospital chambers and Saint Nicolas church. The Hospital Chambers, exhibits a rich collection of the churches, gold treasures and a amazing collection, of gold and precious stones. There are 4 more churches in this Monastery, and we soon got tired of looking at churches, so back to our cars, and off, we drove to Vladimir.
Checked into our hotel at around 4.30 pm. Our room was the smallest, we have stayed in, on this trip so far. It was so small, that if I farted the curtains moved.
Left Louis and Janet at the hotel, and we walked across the square to see a few more churches.
‘The Assumption Cathedral’, was enormous. The altar, laden with gold and frescoes on the ceilings. This church sits on a hill overlooking the river. What a beautiful church.

Walked around town a bit, and saw a few more churches. Decided that my soul was saved today by visiting so many churches.
Susanne hopped and hobbled to the nearest Ecco Shop, and bought a pair of Sandals, as an excuse for her legs to get better.

Had dinner, at a great neighbouring restaurant, which served us some great food. 

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