Friday 5 August 2016

21st July. Vladimir to Moscow

Dag 67. Vladimir til Moskva 191 km

I dag kørte vi fra Vladimir til Moskva, en tur med megen trafik hele vejen. Louis og Janet blev væk i trafikken, men pludselig var de bagved os igen. 
Highway to Moscow - Motorvej til Moskva

Teddybear sale on the way - Bamser til salg

Vi fandt vores hotel, men havde lidt svært med at finde parkeringspladsen, den viste sig at være i kælderen under et shopping center. Vi fik parkeret, læsset bagage af og gik så en tur i centeret for at spise frokost. Slappede af om eftermiddagen, gik en tur nær hotellet for at finde en restaurant, men endte i Shopping centeret igen, hvor vi fandt en hyggelig restaurant.

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21st July. Vladimir to Moscow. Distance 191 km, driving time 4 hours.

We left at 9.30 am, en route, to Moscow.
The traffic was very heavy on this stretch, going to Moscow and we soon lost sight of Louis car. There was no highway today. The road had only 2 narrow lanes, and we had to drive through many villages.

Of course, the police were out again, and I did not give them a chance today.
As we neared Moscow, the traffic got worse, and we were in a constant queue, till we reached the centre of town.

We found our hotel without any difficulty, but soon found out, that our parking was below the shopping mall next door. Unloaded our bags, and parked our cars, at the basement of the shopping mall.
Very nice hotel, but the A/c kept shutting of at night.
Checking in to the hotel - Indtjekning

Had lunch and dinner at the shopping mall.

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